After the big bang huge amount of matter and antimatter has been released to space, and the war of particles starts. Ions passed from that event and universes are divided as matter universes and antimatter universes. Matter, forget about the existence of the antimatter until one day, the particles of antimatter appear in our universe.
The new war is upcoming so prepare for epic space arcade fights on different maps in different game modes. Collect and upgrade doesn of particle cards such as up and down quarks, electron and electron neutrino leptons, z boson and many more upcoming.
Play Casual game mode where you can with ease collect chests and experience.
Play Teleportation game mode where you can go through black and white holes.
Play Bonus game mode in order to collect maximum gold.
Every day you got new space maps for all game modes.
Upgrade particle cards to make your matter stronger in order to position batter on leaderboards then other players.
Collect matter and avoid antimatter to position better on leaderboards.
Collect gold and chest keys to unlock new chests and upgrade particle cards
Ranking is determined by user level and for every game mode due player success
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